The Secret Of Producer’s Success

Every working musician’s career story is unique. Most have careers they could not have predicted, and most don’t know what the future holds. However, many people who last in the music business share similar traits, which are as important as their musical skills.

Having patience and resilience, being a good listener, and showing up on time are just the beginning. It’s also important to be organized, work hard, and get along with a wide variety of people. But enough generalities for now.

You don’t have to be a mainstage DJ to make it in the electronic music business. Say “yes” to opportunities and over the years you’ll acquire a unique skill set that makes you highly valuable in all sorts of situations.

The ability to talk to artists and production companies, and ascertain what they really want is neccesaty for a good producer. By listening, deciphering and comprehending, proffessional producer can formulate suggestions and clearly articulate them. He can then take everyone’s ideas, mine included, and meld them into a clear musical vision that satisfies everyone.
You need to get inside the heads of the people you’re working with so you can relate to them and direct them to a positive outcome. The art of listening is the most important skill of being an  EDM ghost producer and collaborator.

No one can tell you how exactly to make a living in the music biz. Your route will be yours alone. Take chances, get out of your comfort zone, and don’t get discouraged. Do it for love and the money will follow. You’ll see these themes come up again and again, if you investigate the career arcs of other working artists. The stories are different on the surface, but the underlying principals that lead to success are universal.

Sources : edm-ghost-production


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